Year: 2023 | Month: December | Volume 10 | Issue 2

Impact of Conservation Tillage on Soil Properties for Agricultural Sustainability: A Review

Masina Sairam Sagar Maitra Upasana Sahoo Chabolu Venkata Raghava Santosh D.T. and Urjashi Bhattacharya


The impact of conservation tillage (CT) on soil health and its implications for achieving agricultural
sustainability are of paramount importance in modern agriculture. Conservation tillage practices, such
zero and reduced tillage, mulch tillage, ridge tillage, and contour tillage have gained significant attention
for their potential to enhance soil health while mitigating adverse environmental effects. CT technologies
are known to improve soil health in several ways. These practices reduce soil disturbance, preserving
soil structure and preventing erosion. By leaving crop residues on the field, CT enhances organic matter
content, fostering microbial activity and nutrient cycling. This, facilitates to enhance soil health and
productivity by improving soil physico-chemical and biological activities. The benefits of CT extend
beyond soil health to broader agricultural sustainability. Reduced soil erosion and improved moisture
retention contribute to enhanced resilience in the consequences of climate change. CT also reduces the
need for fuel and equipment, leading to cost savings for farmers and a reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions. The adoption of CT is a significant step toward a more sustainable and resilient agriculture
system in the face of global challenges. The present study investigates the influence of CT on soil health
for achieving agricultural sustainability.

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AgroEcoomist-An International Journal In Association with AAEBM